Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Mind Body Medicine and How Your Thoughts Affect Your Health



Do you know what mind body medicine is or how your thoughts can have an effect on your health?  If you are thinking you are hurt and in pain, how can that be measured?  How can that be identified to find a treatment?  How can it be conclusive that you are no longer in pain and hurt?  Just because a physician says a pill will 'pop' away your pain, are you convinced and feel better no matter what?My guest today is Dr. Alfred A. Barrios, a clinical psychologist, who is an authority on the power of the word and its effect on human behavior.  He is the inventor of the Stress Control Card and author of the book, Towards Greater Freedom and Happiness.  We will be speaking about how hypnosis and biofeedback may be a pathway to healing those diseases and other physical or mental situations that medications are unsuccessful in treating.Dr. Barrios has been publishing his work for decades on hypnosis, free will, biofeedback and positive psychology.  His website can be found here for more information.