Wellness Radio With Dr. J

How to Be with Your Grief and Learn to Go on Living after a Loss



When you experience a death of a loved one, everyone has a version of how you should act, what you should do and how you will 'handle it'.  While the event is similar the responses are very individualized.  There really are no perfect answers nor are their any magic wands to wipe away the pain and suffering that all go through.  And then, what will you do when you are on the other side of grief?  How can you go on and pull yourself together to enjoy the life you are given without guilt or despair?My guest today is Cynthia MacGregor, author of Good Grief who will share with us her personal experiences.  Crying, regrets and a funeral are just a few of the topics we will be speaking on and just how do you handle the memories?  Can you put memories away?  How to honor everyone and bring a celebration of each individual in life and after death will be touched on this hour.No one will escape having a death of a loved one and no can fly through the event without having some scars.  We are talking about this because