Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Knowing Your Soul and Spirit in Life and Beyond as an Infinite Being



Why are we here on earth, what is our purpose to 'do' and how are we living our life to the fullest?  Are you of the belief we get dropped by the stork, we learn in school all the basics of math and reading, to be shipped out and find a job to make money.  Still further, your life becomes a pattern of working, doing, getting, having and creating the 'things and people' that fit the ideal you have modeled your life after.  Is that all there is?  Well.....In the past several years, people are again searching for the meaning of life, the answers to all their questions about what they do each day and how to make their lives better.  While this process has helped some to find peace to be loving and caring and giving to others in their work and life, many people are struggling with 'stuckness'.  They are stuck in the abyss of realizing what power their soul and spirit have and how to nuture a life purpose that will heal their heart and feed their soul.  Mark Pitstick is here to help answer some of these questions.M