Wellness Radio With Dr. J

ThetaHealing and Getting the Life you Want with Tiffany Bil



Need a miracle or just some love and nurturing to get you out of the rut you seem to be in lately, well, you are not alone.  If are looking at your life and it just does not seem to be working the way you thought it would, ThetaHealing may be an option to look at.  Energy healing is gaining momentum in the last few years and many are looking inside themselves for answers to living in harmony with the world we currently live in. My guest today is Tiffany Bil, an International Spiritual Teacher from Newport Beach, California and ThetaHealing Practitioner/Instructor.  She will be sharing how she got started with ThetaHealing and how it has made her life take a 180 degree turn for the better.  On this show, we will be taking callers and doing healings.  To join us, please call the number on the show page and be sure to push 1 to be heard on the air. Tiffany is very passionate about healing work and knows that it is very important to clear any blockages you may not knowingly have around health, finances and career