Wellness Radio With Dr. J

How to Eat Healthier for a Better Life



Are you stuck with the newest food crazy and have no clue how to eat healthier?  What is healthy eating and why should you care?  The only way the body can perform its daily functions is by the foods that you put into it.  It seems so simple yet so many of us struggle with what to eat on a daily basis because of social media, peer pressure, poor choices or economic barriers.  How can you supply your body with what it needs if you have no clue what that is? Many times I hear people say what they ate for the day and it would be a list of prepared items from someplace convenient.  Is there also that possibility that although the picture on the package or the 'sampling' of the item in the product lead you to think you are doing something good, are you really?  How far have we drifted from answering the question 'what did you eat today' and the answer being 'an apple, a cucumber, an egg'.  Can you do that? My guest today is Dr. Rob Streisfeld, NMD, a Certified Natural Gourmet Chef and Naturopathic Physician.  He i