Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Naturopathic Medicine and Stress with Dr. Doni Wilson



Naturopathic Medicine is a holistic approach to health which includes mental, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of our life.  What better way to approach physical symptoms that are presentations of stress we have on a daily basis. Can my headache, low back pain or blurry vision really be stress originated?  There are many players in our health and Naturopathic Physicians take the time to listen to you and hear where you may need support to make healthy changes. My guest today is Dr. Donielle Wilson, a Naturopathic Physician from Bastyr University.  Dr. Doni is a caring professional that centers her work around finding the cause of health concerns and treating the whole person.  She has developed a protocol to address stress in health and she working on an up coming book The Stress Remedy. If you have screaming kids, a full schedule, stomach pains, headaches, and on goes the list, this show is a must listen to see how what goes on around you is influencing your health.  It is possible to reduce stress