Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Chronic Pain: Helping Everyone with Solutions



Does your body hurt?  Do you have any idea where your chronic pain may be coming from or rather what may be contributing to it?  If you are hurting, the first place to go is the Dr. and tell your story, get tests, a prescription and sometimes rehabilitation.  Are you all better now? Medications help with pain, tests sometimes don't say much and after stretching and exercising for a few weeks, you are back with chronic pain that can sideline you for days to years. My guest today is Dr. William Charschan aka 'the body mechanic'.  He is a Chiropractor in New Jersey and the author of the book we will be talking about today 'Cheating Mother Nature'.  Dr. William believes that everything your body screams at you may be related to how your body 'swings' or as he calls it 'gait'.  Remember, we are, as I call it, a 'bag of bones, muscles, fluids and soul'.  Think of the body as a balloon, it is held together in a package and when one thing is out of place, the whole system is shifted to compensate. If you are an athle