Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Slammed by Fatigue and Can't Get Going Again? Help is here



A busy weekend, the flu, the holiday season or just 'too much to do and not enough time' seem like your excuse for the fatigue that is bringing you to your knees?  Does it seem like fatigue is an everyday word for you?  Why?  Tired is one thing, crashing fatigue is another.  How do you raise up and have energy again? Life is just not sunshine and lollipops as many of us have grown up to believe.  The economy, work pressures, family mechanics, significant health concerns and natural earth events are bringing people to their knees in the past few decades.  Stress is no longer just a time of too much to do in a day and fatigue is not something that is cleared up after a romantic vacation. My guest, Dr. Linda Clever, Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCSF and author of The Fatigue Prescription:  Four Steps to Renewing your Energy, Health and Life, will share her experience with the deep toll fatigue took on her life.  While there are many books out there saying everyone is tired and get sleep, Dr. Clever's book i