Wellness Radio With Dr. J

LearningRx: no drug brain training for young and old alike



Are your children just barely making it through the school year?  Are you at a loss of how to help them?  Think drugs are the answer?  Feel you do not know the education material so you step away from helping your children and hope they will 'wing it' for the year?  How many years can you do this?  How many years can THEY do this?  Stop, step up, get them support to exercise their brain and unlock what is in there.  Your children have the ability to learn and excel.  It is up to you to get them help.  Help is here, now. My guest, Tanya Mitchell of LearningRx, will discuss the benefits of cognitive training to help kids change their medication needs for ADHD and the impact of not treating ADHD.  We will also be talking about the adult brain, elderly decline and dyslexia.  All the brain symptoms that label us to keep our brain from working at its best. Tanya is the Vice President of Research and Development for LearningRx, a brain training company with 80 centers across the U.S...  She is also the co-author of