Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Gratitude: Why is this important for the rest of this year?



Is the world moving too fast in your corner?  Do you feel like everything is a chore and people are just a pain in the derrierre?  Just how much more can you take? Perhaps you need a little gratitude for what you do have, who is in your life and what you have the power to change.  Maybe, I am only saying, you do have a choice in what is around you.  Do you think? My guest is Lorraine Miller, a Holistic Lifestyle Coach, and author of From Gratitude to Bliss a journal which is printed by Print4Change.  It is important to note, this company donates 50% of its profits to Healing Haiti that funds projects to bring food and clean water to starving chilcren in the poorest country in North America.  Lorraine will be speaking to us about gratitude and the power it holds.  She will be sharing her own journey of chronic stress, fatigue, depression and despair.  It is possible to find tools that help you make longlasting changes in your life. What I would hope for those who listen to the show, to find some word, some phr