Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Healthcare concerns: before and after a natural disaster



Healthcare concerns, we all have them.  No one is perfectly healthy and no one can say they will not need support services after a natural disaster, you just never know. How can you prepare for earth events if you have healthcare concerns that require special equipment or medications?  Do you even recognize you may need help?  It can be something as simple as placing medication in a dry cool place, but post a summer storm, the heat and sun are the norm, not air conditioning.  It can also be a sleep machine that you use every night and when the power goes out, the machine does not work.  Umm, think you are prepared? As the warning for storms may give you time to prepare and compile all your medical needs, there are storms that are instant.  Also, does having a stockpile of medical items make you feel safe?  We will talk about various healthcare concerns and what you should think about.  Callers can ask medical specific questions to form a plan of safety, regardless of the event.