Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Nuclear Hotseat #206: Don Hancock WIPP Update



INTERVIEWS: Don Hancock of Southwest Research and Information Center provides an update on the latest on the radiologic contamination at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in Carlsbad, NM. VOICES FROM JAPAN: Former Mayor of Futuba Idogawa, who is suing the Japanese government for damages following his exposure to radiation in the early days of the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster; and activist Ruiko Muto heads a coalition of over 20,000 people petitioning the government for an apology and compensation for the damage done to their lives by Fukushima. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: Does TEPCO really think a new recreation facility and hot meals will lift the spirits of Fukushima Daiichi workers who will soon be able to be legally exposed to 250 milliSiev