Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Nuclear Hotseat #205: SPECIAL - Sister Megan Rice/Transform Now Plowshares



SPECIAL: Newly freed 85-year old nun, Sister Megan Rice, speaks at length about the peaceful 2012 Transform Now Plowshares protest action against the Y-12 nuclear facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, which resulted in her being charged with sabotage and sentenced to almost three years in prison. Now out of prison pending a resentencing hearing, she and co-defendants Gregory Boertje-Obed, 60, and Michael Walli, 68, speak at length with Nuclear Hotseat's Libbe HaLevy on what they did, why they did it, what they faced as a result, and what's next. It's not over yet. Three separate interviews - a full-length Nuclear Hotseat Exclusive!