Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Nuclear Hotseat #203



INTERVIEW: Dr. Celine-Marie Pascale of American University on her not-yet-published analysis of American media's post-Fukushima coverage. Activist perspective proven through data analysis of over 2000 articles from print and online, plus fascinating observations on how the subject of "risk" got twisted to mean corporate interests and not people. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: Could anything be numnutzier than Canada approving creation of a nuclear waste dump less than 3/4 of a mile from the shores of Lake Huron? PLUS: 85-year-old Sister Megan Rice's sabotage conviction overturned by court! Transformer explosion and fire at Indian Point nuclear reactor in New York, only 40 miles from Manhattan! Radon releases from uranium mine near native lands in southwest Utah! "Significant" amounts of Fukushima radiation detected in Pacific ocean off the coast of north America! Radiation from Chernobyl forest fire found in plume on US west coast! Too many exclamation marks in this write-up!