Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Nuclear Hotseat #198: Dr. Ian Fairlie, Nuke Reactor Impact on Child Health in 3 Mile Radius



INTERVIEW: Dr. Ian Fairlie on his study on the impact of nuclear radiation on children living within 5 km/3 miles of a nuclear reactor. An encore interview from Nuclear Hotseat #162. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: Milan Expo 2015 will be another site of Japan's attempt to convince the world that Fukushima food is really safe to eat so that by 2020, Tokyo Olympics tourists will have no qualms about chowing down and exposing themselves to internal radiation. Mmm mmm bad! PLUS: more TEPCO admissions that they haven't a clue about how to clean up the hot mess at Fukushima, but that doesn't stop PM Abe-baby's political party from pushing to restart Japan's 43 remaining nuclear reactors; Evacuees now allowed to stay overnight in Naraha Town in Fukushima Prefecture, but residents of Minami-Soma are suing the government for lifting evacuation advisories in their town, citing high radiation levels; Woods Hole announces Fukushima radiation in ocean off British Columbia; NRC calls Alert (second of four levels of warning) a