Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Nuclear Hotseat #166: EXCLUSIVE: USS Reagan v TEPCO Hearing



SPECIAL REPORT: San Diego Federal Court hearing in the $1 billion lawsuit by the sailors of the USS Reagan vs. Tokyo Electric Power Company based on their exposure to lethal levels of radiation following the start of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Interviews with attorneys Charles Bonner and Paul Garner, USS Reagan sailor Steve Simmons, and his wife, Summer Simmons. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: Does the nuclear industry actually pay its trolls to remove Dr. Ian Fairlie's article from academic databases? It seems that it does... PLUS: 6 months after WIPP Valentine's Day accident, EPA, admits to mistakes in air monitoring for radiation; NRC admits hackers succeeded in breaking into security at US nuclear power plants -- twice; Japan admits that multiple fuel cores ejected from Fukushima reactors, releasing inhalable radioactive dust particles; TEPCO official wept in Prime Minister Kan's officen about Fukushima being "beyond our control"... but no one told the US Navy so it could keep USS Reagan sailors sa