Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

#110: DisaDisaster Prep Pro Chuck McCune on FEMA, Global Warming & Nukes



What would a natural disaster do to nuclear power facilities? How vulnerable are our nuclear reactors to global warming? Veteran disaster preparedness pro Chuck McCune shares information FEMA doesn't make public about exactly what we face, along with a vision of activism that gives real muscle to our movement. PLUS: Former San Onofre partners SCE, SDG&E and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries battling it out over who owes who what for those faulty steam generators that got the site SHUT DOWN FOREVER; Fukushima #3 blowing off steam; Pilgrim in hot water, shut down; Ft. Calhoun may force Omaha Public Power District to take a Moody's Investors Service rating cut; Japan elects no-nuke actor to Upper House but supports pro-nuke LDP despite 80% believing nuclear disaster "probable;" and Washington state health blind spot is the tragic Numnutz of the Week.