Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Nuclear Hotseat #54 - June 26, 2012 - Indian Pt., Legal Strategies



MUST LISTEN! Slammer interview w/environmental attorney Susan Hito Shapiro on the battle to shut down Indian Point near NYC, plus some legal strategies applicable for anti-nuke activists throughout the country. Plus: 45,000 Japanese protest at PM Noda's front door against Oi nuke restart, which has already been plagued by 27 ALARMS GOING OFF!; bulge in Fukushima Unit 4 now 40% larger than in May; the swallows did NOT come back to Fukushima, in a big way (Silent Spring, Summer, Fall...); LA Times editorial to keep San Onofre shut down marks the most important major media anti-nuke stance in decades; and both TEPCO and Japanese government tell skeptical consumers that fish caught near Fukushima is safe to eat... even though they won't let independent experts test within 12 miles of the still-leaking facility. Sushi, anyone? (Hell, no!) SAKAIDO HANSAI!