Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Nuclear Hotseat #53 - June 19, 2012 - Radiation Monitoring



Dr. Bill Cardozo and Darin McClure on radiation monitors, what they'll do and won't do, crowd-source radiation monitoring and how to hook up some monitors directly to the Internet for real-time result posting. Plus: Japan's PM Noda approves restart of Oi reactors over thousands of protestors; 10 Fukushima mothers confront elected officials with their painful truths before staging a die-in (video link on; Friends of the Earth file lawsuit to force NRC relicensing hearings of faulty San Onofre reactors; tsunami debris docks in Oregon; and northeast Japan bracing for monster typhoon that's taking aim at Fukushima. Plus some cautions about taking zeolite, pro-nuke as mental illness, and a chance to join a die-in demonstration of your own!