Rust Belt Startup

Venture Caplital and Leveling The Playing Field – James Shomar



Rust Belt Startup · Venture Caplital and Leveling The Playing Field - James Shomar On today’s podcast I’m having a conversion with Mr. James Shomar. James is a partner at StartFast which is a venture accelerator program in Syracuse NY.  I reached out to James after reading one of his LinkedIn posts about how he’s re-thinking startup funding and economic development as it relates to startups.  In our wide ranging conversation he gives us a primer on angel and venture investment and the kinds of companies that this investment attracts. Ever wondered why your company isn’t attractive to angel or venture capital? We’ll talk about it.  We also talk about leveling the playing field when it comes to opportunities for entrepreneurs of color, and much more. You can learn more about James on LinkedIN. On my end - I’m a partner in a new initiative called the Mohawk Valley Micro Seed Fund that’s looking for it’s first investment. You can learn more about that venture at our website.