Liquid Church

Learning How To Dream Again | Part 1: Dream Again



Have you ever experienced a lost or broken dream? Maybe last year your goals got pushed aside or put on pause. However, you have a fresh opportunity now to grab hold of your God-given purpose. God still sees greatness in you and wants to help you Dream Again! In this message from Part 1 of Liquid Church’s “Dream Again” series, Pastor Tim Lucas shares 5 specific qualities of God-given dreams based on the life of Joseph in Genesis. You see, Joseph was a man of God that God gave a bold dream to as a teenager, but Joseph faced opposition from all sides before his dream came true 13 years later. Through all Joseph’s testing and all God’s delays, He kept his faith that God would provide a way to make it happen. Like Joseph, together, we can move beyond the grief of broken dreams and enter into a brighter future! So, what dreams has God given you? Watch this message from Liquid Church and see how you can open yourself up to God’s dreams and purpose for your life. Dream Again Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church