Reliv Forever Young

70 :: “Harmonizing from Within” ☯️



I share with you my understanding and shifting, going from within and shifting. Moving away from the physical world and teachings as we know it. Going from the physical world to the spiritual world and its significance. Learning peace and love and all levels. We need to learn how to live in harmony with our physical being and our spiritual being. We learn to how we learn how to just be. We learn what just is. We learn to let go. We learn to believe. We learn to trust the process. We learn to be open, and ask our spiritual guides for assistance to go where we need to go. Our conscience awareness, intuitively continuing our journey for our soul’s purpose. We are unique beings. Learn to ask yourself better questions. The truth of who we really are will be unveiled. We need to find our center, our balance, our harmony within. . Love and light... xoxo, Bella