Reliv Forever Young

35 :: “FLUID Fruition”



The mighty and imposing oak tree is strong and seemingly invincible, standing sometimes for hundreds of years. Yet fierce winds and driving rain make it vulnerable to destruction because of its rigidity and shallow root system. On the other hand, the palm tree is much better at weathering storms because of its pliable trunk and deeper root system that allow it to sway with strong winds and hold fast despite saturated soil. The palm tree may bend, but it will not break and will indeed thrive despite intense weather. Like the palm tree, we too can develop resilience and thrive, even in the face of life’s storms. “The mighty and imposing oak tree is strong and seemingly invincible, standing sometimes for hundreds of years.” Thriving True thrivers are not necessarily fortunate people who have known only advantage or good luck. Life for most of us is largely a set of unpredictable events, many of which can be extremely difficult or even tragic. Yet each one of us can thrive, not just despite but because of adversi