Sex Talk with Lou

June 2, 2014 - Kristin Newman What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding



Kristin Newman - Hilarious interview discussing her memoir, WHAT I WAS DOING WHILE YOU WERE BREEDING, that every woman can identify with. A professional woman who realizes traveling is the key and insight to herself and her heart. Part personal journey, part heart journey, part sexual exploration. Want to know who the best lovers are? Released May 20, 2014. These are Life Lessons in a Showrunning Comedic Writer's Memoir. Perfect for armchair travelers and fans of comedic memoirs. WHAT I WAS DOING WHILE YOU WERE BREEDING is a refreshing and wildly funny debut from a born stroyteller. Kristin Newman's irreverent tales of sowing her wild oats will have readers scrambling to pack their suitcases and follow her lead.