Sex Talk with Lou

Betsy Crane Ph.D, Widener University - Education and Career training in the field of Sexuality Education and Research



So How Bright is Your Future in Sex? Betsy Crane Ph.D., Professor and former Director of Human Sexuality Graduate Program at Widener University, PA will discuss the explosive growth of people seeking graduate degrees in the field of sexuality. One of only two nationally accredited institutions, in the last five years the Widener Program has grown from 30 students to 100 entering in fall of 2012 making a student body of 200+ students. Who are these students and what are their career paths? What are they focused on and what knew bodies of research are they creating? What drives them to pursue this field. Medical schools aren't training doctors about human sexuality so these students may hold a key to better sexual health programs in institutions. We'll discuss research on gender roles and the bio/social/psych considerations that impact all studies and learning about sexuality.