Success Profiles Radio

Seeing The Significance Of Life Through The Eyes Of A Special Needs Child



Matt Patterson, author of #1 Amazon bestseller "My Emily" was my guest this week on Success Profiles Radio. We discussed the journey of his young daughter as she was born with Down's Syndrome, then diagnosed with leukemia when she was only 2 years old. We discussed how difficult is was to deal with the situation, and how his faith was tested. Specifically, we talked about being real with God and even expressing anger and frustration when needed. In addition, we talked about the importance of a strong support system when going through difficult times, and how hard it is to realize you are powerless to help your own child. Finally, we discussed the significance of life no matter what form it takes, or how "imperfect" it may seem. For an incredibly inspirational hour, you can also download and subscribe to the show on iTunes for free.