Success Profiles Radio

Turning Terrible Into Terrific: Changing Your Life At The Speed Of Thought



This week guest was Dr. Dennis Cummins, who runs chiropractic businesses and is a motivational speaker. He is heavily invloved in T. Harv Eker's Peak Potentials organization doing trainings for them all over North America and throughout the world. He is now also the author of "Turning Terrible To Terrific: Changing Your Life At The Speed Of Thought". This book is a road map to identifying where you are in your lfe and defining where you want to be. It provides practical steps anyone can take to make goals a reality. We discussed the importance of attitude, gratitude, and taking action to get everything we want even if things don't unfold the way we think they should. We also talked about the identifying the difference between what we want and what we REALLY want. (They aren't the same thing.) Another great topic that was covered was the importance of loving yourself and having a proper view of yourself which is very important to high achievement. This book can be ordered on the www.successprofilesradio.c