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#043 Harvinth Skin is not a Punde la dei.



Harvinth Skin is not a punde. Well known for his skits that went "viral" time and time again on social media over these past couple of years. A truly humble soul at heart, with all the opportunities and achievements under his belt, Harvinth still hold on to the mantra of "You gotta keep coming with new content, you gotta keep things fresh, to stay relevant. Don't be complacent." On this episode, Harvinth Skin shares his journey on his early days, his biggest inspiration & greatest piece of advice ever received, how his videos started getting traction in 2014 & what fellow early Youtubers should know before getting started. The comedic side of Harvinth accompanied by his work ethics are definitely the contributing factor for him to get to where he is today, not only the ambassador for JD sports, but also signed to Malaysia's biggest broadcasting company & not to forget his collaboration with big brands such as Air Asia, MTV. The man himself is secretly full of wisdom, fam. Tune in & give the