Real Estate Radio Via Vija

Ten Ways to Dramatically Improve Your Curb Value



Melanie Wright, interior designer and Principle of M Studios Inc, joins Vija and Ben to discuss, "Ten Ways to Dramatically Improve Your Curb Value"  If you are listing your home, the first goal is to get the buyer into the house.  It they pull up and your house looks dreary or blah, the buyer won’t be nearly as excited as they will be if you add some fresh pops of color, fresh landscaping and maybe pavers for a walk or a white picket fence.  Melanie, discusses how to get the most "bang for your buck" and where to focus your attention to make the exterior of your home shine above the rest.  Mleanie has practiced interior design in and around the Seattle area for more than 17 years.  She works with builders and private clients to achieve fantastic design with exception functionality.  She is an amazing colorist with a keen eye to great style and design.  Melanie has worked with the Vija team on a variety of projects for the past 10 years.Via Vija Real Estate Radio  is a weekly show where we talk about what's bu