
274: asking for refunds and fair play - The Merry Money Series



Money really is one of our favourite subjects. It was always such a taboo topic for us, but as we got into business we fast realised that we had to get comfortable about the topic.This episode is inspired by a very expensive strawberry tart that Damiano bought on the weekend. It was so pretty and really quite delicious… but the unexpected price tarnished the whole experience.Have you ever had one of those experiences, where you go to the counter and purchase something, they give you the price and the EFTPOS machine and it’s about double or triple what you thought it would be?Then you just tap your card and feel resentful after and you don’t enjoy your strawberry tart (or whatever it was you bought). Yeh, us too.The purpose of this episode is help you feel empowered with your money and not be ashamed to ask for what you want (even if it feels silly). And yeh, we are just talking about a strawberry tart… but this strawberry tart represents a lot. Stuff we talked about…Your money is your money. You get to d