
273: So you think you’re not creative?



Do you resonate with being creative… or have you forever deemed yourself a non-creative type? Ahhh the word ‘creative’ is such a loaded word. It brings up so much and it also can divide us. But really… the magic of art and creativity is that it unites us. It makes us feel, it connects us to our emotions, it heals us… it reminds us of our humanity.Whether you see yourself as creative or not, tune into this episode. Get inspired to create something from nothing. Get excited to explore, enjoy and celebrate art. PLUS, you’ll get to hear Midnight Express to Rome’s new single, Disintegrate.Stuff we talked about…Art is subjective, so if you got told you sucked at art/music in school… maybe it’s time to let go of that belief.When you have an idea, it’s a choice… take action or ignore it.Music is actual magic. In a world where our minds are getting numbed by social media and Netflix, music (and all art) makes you feel something and invitees you to reflect.The magic of Yoga, another creative expression.&