
266: Diet culture made us do it



In this episode, we chat diet culture and how it really does suck. We delve deeper into our diet stories. We reflect on the ‘normal’ things we used to do like not drink enough water before a weigh-in, over-exercising, under-eating, binging/purging and priding ourselves on how skinny we had got.  After all the work we’ve done… speaking about these stories in more depth actually frightened us a little. Trigger warning for anyone who is dealing with disorderly eating and negative body image stuff. Stuff we talked about…The problem is not what your body looks like, but the fact that you decided that what you look like is the most important thing about you.How society puts so much emphasis on our bodies.Everything we see tells us to judge someone else’s bodies and therefore our own bodies. Think, magazine covers!Focusing on your body keeps your ideas and creativity small.Your body is your home. Instead of thinking of your body as you, think of it as your home for the soul.There is no one body that i