
264: Why should we meditate?



If you've been wanting to get into meditation, tune in to this episode. Carla just finished her second Meditation course for the year and she has gold to share. Get ready for one-liners that will make you be like AHA! Stuff we talked about...Meditation welcomes less suffering, or it helps us respond to the suffering better. Scientific studies say that meditation changes the brain structure and increases the grey matter of our brain. You become smarter and better at decisions (we'll take this!).Resistance is totally real and normal. It's through the persistence of the resistance that we find freedom.Pranayama is not just focusing on the breath but manipulating the energy of the body.Meditation helps cease the fluctuations of the mind.Silence is the greatest teacher in the world.It all starts and ends with compassion.It's better to not think than to think of something that's completely unreal and fabricated."All is true. It was all determined long ago. There is no evil. And, we know nothing." Rose Bau