
251: Self-disgust, denying joy and other normal thoughts



We feel like we are in a smooth-sailing zone. And, it feels kind of funny because we become used, almost addicted to the ups and downs. But isn’t this low stress, neutral feeling good?It is a good thing when we feel a sense of contentment. And, self-acceptance is the first step to contentment. AHA!This episode is us chatting about life, as always! The normal hot topics come up… of self-hate, self-disgust, body image stuff, etc. Also, we are going to start welcoming mini-podcast series’. We need to shake it up around here!Stuff we talk about…In order to feel content, you must first accept where you are right here right now.You don’t need to change what you are, you just need to change how you see things.You can accept where you are but still have the desire to improve yourself.When you have a sense of disgust in yourself, you usually feel that for others too.We live in a world where non-acceptance is a more common practiceCreate something and contribute to the world and all the ‘self’ stuff become le