Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Heart Attack – The real cause is not what you think – 10 steps to saving lives



Listen to this show to if you want to learn about the REAL cause(s) of heart attacks. Many blame high cholesterol – learn why this is a myth. Many others blame obesity, diet, lack of exercise, diabetes and hypertension: these are co-factors but not the real cause either. Learn about the role of the autonomic nervous system, inflammation, infections, the mouth, stress, specific conflicts that program for heart disease and Learn about the 10 steps you can take NOW that might very well save your life. Heart disease is caused by a malfunction in your autonomic nervous system or adaptive survival related responses as some might call it. More specifically it is caused by a deficiency in the parasympathetic nervous system. The solution is obviously to nurture and protect that system, which is the same as saying we should nurture and protect ourselves. Nourishing our parasympathetic nervous system means addressing the stress factors associated with our industrialized world. This means avoiding the excesses of ind