Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Holiday Blues!!! How to deal with emotional challenges and common psychological illnesses naturally and effectively



This time of year we see more people dealing with depression, anxiety and many other psychological conditions. On this show me we will be discussing common sense solutions other than drugs to conquer them! Will also be reviewing the roots of psychological diseases including the underlying conflict programs, the nutrient deficiencies, toxins affecting moods, diet, lack of exercise. We will be discussing the best and the worst treatments for these conditions. For review of treatment options, contact us at QHI Wellness: 903 939 2069, or check out our package specials on www.shopqhi.com including our basic detox package and other supplements used for treatment of various conditions. Also check out my book, Heal Thyself - transform your life, transform your health and Gilbert Renaud's book called Recall Healing - pyramid of health and our numerous Recall Healing DVDs covering various subjects.