Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Healthy Bones & Joints 10-24-2014



Bones and Joints – How to Heal Naturally Do you suffer from osteoporosis, arthritis and other bone/joint health challenges? Join us October 24 on Toginet.com for the Dr. Pieter DeWet Live show as we discuss how to have healthy bones and joints. There are a reported 10,000 deaths each year that are due to the damaging effects from NSAIDS that actually contribute to even more thinning of the bones. And many people end up taking narcotics to deal with the pain. We will share with you today some of the natural alternative choices available to you to help promote healthy bones and joints as well as reduce pain and inflammation. Auto-immune diseases such as Lupus, Scleroderma, RA and even Crohn’s Disease play in role in joint disease. Thermography is a useful functional method of determining the areas of the body where inflammation is prevalent. Proper hormonal levels are critical for bone health. At QHI Wellness we incorporate natural hormone replacement therapy, Bio-Density and Power Plate therapies to he