Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Holistic Pain Management



Pain, in conventional medicine is often treated as the enemy, rather than a sign of deeper dysfunction that ought to be explored in order to find and treat the source so that true healing can occur. Treating pain symptomatically is not a zero sum game either. As a matter of fact the toll related to the drug treatment of pain is considerable. In America the number of narcotic drug prescriptions continues to soar with about 200 million prescriptions for narcotics in the opoid group alone dispensed per year. The death toll from accidental overdoses, suicide related overdoses, and interactions with other drugs continue to skyrocket. This applies not only to narcotics, but also to OTC pain killers such as those containing acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol) and NSAIDS such as ibuprofen (like Motrin and Advil). As a matter of fact one could argue that OTC pain killers are more dangerous in some ways than prescription pain killers with the death toll for acetaminophen and ibuprofen alone above 10,000 each per year and