Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Health Magic with Water! Revitalizing and energizing with clean, ionized alkaline water.



Do you know What's In YOUR Water? Chlorine? Fluoride? Pharmaceuticals? Chemicals? Plastic? Don't think you're safe if you drink bottled or filtered water either. Water is vital to your health. Yet most people either don't drink enough water or drink contaminated acidic water that makes optimal health harder to achieve. Listen to this show to learn everything you need to know about accessing safe, health and vitality promoting water. Learn about alkalizing, revitalizing and energizing with ultra pure, alkalized, ionized water. For more information, go to www.alkaviva.com/PieterdeWet and check out our QHI Wellness website at www.qhiwellness.com for more information on QHI Wellness or call us at 903 939 2069.