
239: ahhh Coronavirus! How to reduce anxiety and stress



How should we be reacting to the Coronavirus? It's a good question because never have we ever experienced something like what we are experiencing right now.Since when were 'self-isolation' and 'social distancing' words we used and things recommended for us all to do!?Literally we didn't even know what these terms were a week ago! The world feels weird, it feels strange, everything feels upside down, inside out. During this episode, we chat about ways to help calm the anxiety and the stress that the Coronavirus pandemic has created.Stuff we talk about…How we have been feeling... anxious and stressed. Especially for other people (call it co-dependency on steroids).What we've been doing personally to calm the nerves... yes, yoga and meditation.Other ways to deal with stress and anxiety.Free Access to MerryBody Online Studio for new members until 1 April 2020We’re committed to help out where we can, right now we’re offering free access for new members to our Online Yoga, Pilates and Meditation studio until 1