
216: how to stop being a people pleaser



If you are a people pleaser listen to this episode! It might just change your life! You see, we are both recovering people pleasers... and let us tell you something... it feels so much better to not be a people pleaser. Because once you stop your obsession with pleasing others you end up choosing YOU! If you find yourself constantly saying yes, when you really wanted to say no, then feel resent and anger towards the person/thing you said yes to doing.... this episode is for you.Stuff we talked about…Why it is better to please yourself rather than other people... and NO it does not make you a bad person!People-pleasing makes you kind of angry, it makes you passive-aggressive, it makes your actions and words unaligned. It turns your kindness into something else.Saying YES to people can be like an addiction, it helps you feel like you are needed. But how do you say NO? You can simply say NO. Stop with the million excuses. If you loved this episode please rate and review the episode on iTunes or sh