
182: don't take things so personally



Don't take things so personally, this little lesson changed our lives in amazing ways. It gave us freedom, it helped all our relationships, it gave us time to focus on more important things and it allowed life to flow more.So the question is, do you take things personally? And does this behaviour impact your life in big ways?Stuff we talked about…If someone is rude, quiet, in a mood... it most probably won't be anything to do with you and no, you don't need to fix it... maybe they need space.If you're sensitive or an empath (like us!) it's very easy to take things personally.When you take everything to heart not only does it make you feel down it also takes up so much of your precious time.Are you hopeless at taking criticism, even constructive criticism? TUNE IN!Space is your friend. But don't take space and think about the person who offended you! Connect to you.Get inspired to change your mindset and 'step behind' your feelings.This episode is brought to you by our FREE MerryBody Fusion class! Yoga and Pil