
144: why the keto diet actually might suck with Dr Rach Wyndham



We've dabbled in low carb eating (hello low carb sweet treats are the best!) but keto has never ever been our thing because we hate counting food and we just know (call it intuition) that good carbs are not our enemies.We wanted to chat all things keto diet because we are getting lots of people asking about it and we're seeing a new wave of ketogenic supplements (yes, another quick fix to shortcut weight loss).Becuase we do not have great scientific knowledge in how the human body functions we asked our good friend Dr Rachel Wyndham to join us. Yes, an actual Doctor and Naturopath who spent YEARS of her life studying the human body from two very different perspectives.We also want to put a disclaimer out right now. If you are a big fan of keto, if it's worked for you, if you sell a keto supplement product this is not a personal attack on you. This is simply us taking an interest with curiosity and questioning everything.And if you do buy or sell any kind of 'health' product we'd suggest you question everythin