
117: How To Think And Grow Rich (book Review)



We've been reading (slash listening) to the book: Think and Grow Rich and it's ahhh-mazing! We're 100% sure it's changing our lives in magical ways.  It's a self-help, self-development book written in 1937 by Napolean Hill. We know... that's ages ago but it's still super relevant. As you can tell by the title it's about growing in riches BUT it's not just about our incomes. The philosophy, stories and techniques Hill writes about can be transferred to ANYTHING. This book is about living our full potential. It gives us the tools we need to create the lives we all desire. It's bloody epic. Stuff we talk about... In almost every chapter the importance of desire is brought up. That success starts with a burning desire and knowing what you actually want.  There is no such thing as failure, it's just temporary defeat. Everything will make sense eventually. The perceived failure will, in fact, be part of the success. Woah.   The magic of persistence. The power of our mindset, how to change our subconscious belief s