
103: 5 Things I Didn't Think Yoga Teacher Training Would Teach Me



10 weeks have passed since I started Yoga Teacher Training with Essence of Living here on the Gold Coast, that means I'm done! Certified yogi: tick ;)  I seriously can't believe how fast 10 weekends went. That's 20 days. 200 hours. Boom. Going into the training I knew I would learn a heap of stuff. I mean I was about to spend 10 weeks in yoga land... how could I not learn some cool stuff? BUT I wasn't prepared for the epicness of the learnings and the changes that I went through. From the get go, I had this knowing that I was supposed to do my yoga training... it wasn't a matter of if, it was just a matter of when. So to be able to finally go on this adventure was a freaking blessing in itself, and thank you to Michelle, founder of Essence of Living for having the belief in me and for making this happen. But let's get into the good stuff... you're here because you wanna know the surprising things I learnt BUT let's quickly cover the unsurprising stuff I learnt... (all kind of duh moments)... epic yoga techni