
98: How To Get More Confident!



Are you a confident person? Do you believe in yourself? Do you love yourself, your whole self? Whether the answer is yes, no or sometimes or I dunno?! We know you're going to get some gold from this podcast episode. Right now, we are both the most confident we've ever been and we're keen to keep this going and growing for the rest of our lives. So, let's talk, how to get more confident!  Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.― Lao Tzu Here's the stuff we talk about... What is confidence? What does it mean to be a confident person?  We share our personal stories. How Emma went from 'the shy' kid to becoming pretty darn confident in herself (hell yeah). How self-doubt, fear and a negative mind ruled for many years (and how it still comes and goes).  How Carla was pretty much born confident, how school bullies impacted her negatively. How her conf