
88: Why To Make The Switch To Organic Skincare With Therese Kerr | IRL In The Studio!



You know we always say we love each and every #GetMerry podcast episode but this one was ah-freaking-mazing. We LOVE LOVE LOVE Therese Kerr. This is why we love our new format of podcasting. YAY for live IRL podcasting.  Chatting to these amazing people, feeling the energy, the passion, the eye contact, the hugging after, etc etc. It wins! It makes podcasting oh so fun and meaningful. We're so grateful for each and every guest. We feel so excited to share them out to you, each and every week (except when we are busy or we forget, ooooopsie!). This is the stuff we talk about: Chemicals in skin care and the health damages they do to us. How Therese Kerr started The Divine Company. We chatted about all the amazing Divine products. This was super interesting as there was a heap of science behind it all. Therese knows a lot!  The importance of family. Conscious shift happening around the world. Especially with young women. How we can detox from chemicals. How to get them out of the system! And more! Merrymaker