
79: Follow Your Freaking Bliss!



Today's episode was the first episode of our new way forward with the #GetMerry podcast! Yes, there was some kind of structure BUT we've already got bigger and better ideas coming your way! So keep listening YAH!  The #GetMerry podcast is all about inspiring you to live a healthier and happier life. It's a weekly podcast (like a radio show) where we'll be sharing EVERYTHING. Our new favourite part has got to be the Merry fan question section (maybe we need to re-work that title!). But this is where we need your help!  We need you to submit questions! Then we'll answer them on the show. The best bit... if your question gets answered on the show, you win a prize-y!  If you're located in Aussie Land, you'll win a set of our brand new (not released yet) Merrymaker quote cards! If you're from over the seas you'll get a collection of our delish Merrymaker PDF meal plans!  So be sure to listen to this episode and then submit your questions! Email us at hello@getmerry.com! YAY! Remember, you can SUBSCRIBE on iTunes o