
BONUS: Create Or Hate, Successful People Make Things With Dan Norris



We're epically enthused about this podcast episode with Dan Norris. They're always the most fun because a. we get to do them live in his office/studio, b. we go 0n all the weird and wonderful tangents and c. becuase it's THE Dan Norris.  During this chat we mostly discuss the topic... idea... no, the MAGIC of creativity. Because Dan has a brand spankin' new book out: Create or Hate. Check it out here! (for free this week!). Far out even the title is freaking amazing.  But wait, we gotta talk about that sub-title: Successful People Make Things. ARGHHH. It's like oh yeh, duh! We gotta make stuff to be successful. Yes, making things can bring in the dollars (yay) but what about the joy, fun, love, inspiration and life changing stuff these 'things' also brings? Steve Jobs made the iPhone (um epic and makes our lives a whole lot easier), Frida put her magical reality on canvas (talk about inspiration), The Beatles made music (joy, sadness, hope, love, bliss... every emotion) and Erica our old neighbour creates a g