
53: From Blog To Profit With Alice Nicholls



In episode 53 on #MerryBiz we chat with our good friend from The Whole Daily as well as Blog to Profit.  She's many things.... the Healthy and Wealthy Specialist. Nutritionist, mamma, wife, terrible dancer, business and profit coach and health coach. That IS a lot of things to 'be' and she's That IS a lot of things to 'be' and she's defs our kind of crazy... and that's why we're SO excited to welcome our good friend Alice Nicholls to #MerryBiz!   "Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be Notorious." Some questions we ask... How did everything begin for you? What kind of challenges have you experienced during your journey? What books are you reading at the moment? What is your number 1 tip to sort out your money mindset if you're in 'scarcity' mode? "I am rich, I am wealthy, I am abundant. I am open to receiving." Some AHA! Moments in this episode... Your mindset and health is everything. Why you (yourself) are the biggest block... and now you know, so let's break it down! How